Our waka will take voyagers on a journey of self-discovery, while strengthening specific skills pertaining to chosen career pathways. We invite industry to journey with us in connecting ākonga to work with you.
Our kaupapa is to work with industry to identify foundational vocational skill requirements, after which we develop and deliver training programmes to ākonga to meet those needs.
Our vision is dedicated to the kaupapa of ...
If you would like more information about our different programmes, send us an email and our team will reply within 24 hours during business hours, Monday to Friday.
Na te whakarongo me te titiro ka puta ai te korero.
Through looking and listening we gain wisdom.
We focus on connecting whānau across the rohe of Tai Tokerau from our Whangārei based office to other locations including Kaikohe, Kerikeri and Dargaville.
Our purpose is to enlighten and support Northland job seekers, including youth within schools to embark on a journey of exploration across different industries. Our strategic direction will involve weaving our keynote programmes into the beautiful tapestry that is our Tai Tokerau community.
Inā kei te mohio koe ko wai koe, I anga mai koe i hea, kei te mohio koe. Kei te anga atu ki hea.
If you know who you are and where you are from then you will know where you are going.
Ākonga aspirations influence our unique and culturally inclusive programmes, Whakaahu Whakamua – 'coming out and leading forward', and Kia Mauria te Pono – ‘believe in yourself’. Both programmes are uniquely designed to benefit our ākonga in two very different ways: One builds capacity; the other builds the person.
Ki te kore nga putake e mākukungia e kore te rakau e tupu.
If the roots of the tree are not watered, the tree will not grow.
Purposeful relationships with industry will lay the foundation between education and employment. Come on board our waka and see how we can add value to your business.
Education to Employment Brokerage (EEB)
Our Education to Employment Brokerage team is comprised of vocational coordinators who work closely with Tai Tokerau secondary schools to link them with vocational employment opportunities and training.
The EEB programme increases opportunities for young people by bridging the gap between industry and education and helps ākonga to discover, explore and connect to the world of work.
The EEB team is based at our Whangarei office.
Frequently Asked Questions
For job seekers we offer Whakaahu Whakamua, a work-ready programme that will leave you with
We also offer the Kia Mauria te Pono programme which is designed to help the student build a positive sense of their self and of their capacity to do things.
• School visits and talksto showcase their industry with ākonga and their whānau, what jobs exist, and the skills
they are looking for
• Site visit events
• Creating work experience opportunities
• Providing mentoring sessions
• Online pathways events
• In-person careers and pathways events
• Employers can use these events as an opportunity to see and engage with future talent for their business(es).
Not only can we help you get your truck license, but we can also help put you through other training courses that are tailored to employment when you join our programme. (Please note terms and conditions apply).
Get in touch with your MSD case worker or give us a call on (09) 430 2919.
Ākonga will have more work-based learning opportunities and a tailored career pathway to help them
find the type of work that they are seeking.
Our ākonga in the workplace, will have access to post placement pastoral care.
Employers will find it easier to recruit job seekers with fit-for-purpose work-ready training from the pool of our ākonga.
Employer engagement is most effective when itstarts early and is ongoing.Interest in an industry can be generated in
a number of ways:
• School visits and talksto showcase their industry with ākonga and their whānau, what jobs exist, and the skills
they are looking for
• Site visit events
• Creating work experience opportunities
• Providing mentoring sessions
• Online pathways events
• In-person careers and pathways events
• Employers can use these events as an opportunity to see and engage with future talent for their business(es).
Ākonga will have more work-based learning opportunities and a tailored career pathway to help them
find the type of work that they are seeking.
Our ākonga in the workplace, will have access to post placement pastoral care.